Sunday, August 5, 2007

fiesta fiesta!!

so it's about that time in sb where all the tourists return once again for some good old drunken fun! it's fiesta which means sb is crawling with people, including it's fair share of celebs. at this time each yr michael jorden runds a bball camp at ucsb, and brings all his hot-shot bball friends too. for ex my father met alonzo mourning at a local McDs and if you were willing to pay $200 for cover at O'Malley's you coulda had drinks served by MJ himself last nite - assuming you still had money left to BUY any drinks. but for those of us that don't have that kinda money to throw away, there were tons of other bars, yummy mexican foods and carnivals everywhere. I opted to avoid the beyond sloppy bar scene and opted for a cute carnival where i stumbled on a free Mat Kearney concert. I didn't know him by name, but he sounded good, a little familar in fact. Listened to a couple songs and then decided to head out - but as soon as a walked away, he started singing one of my favorite songs! "nothing left to lose" - by mat kearney - (look it up) haha, that's him! so turned out to be very cool.

4 days and i'm free! :)

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

getting married

...seems to be the hot topic lately. It’s actually nutz: 3 weddings in 3 weeks and one in December and they are all peers! I've been to my fair share of weddings, but this is the first string where I'm a peer and not at "the family" or "kids" table.

Personally, I am too young to get married - let's just start there.

That being said, I think they are so beautiful and it's easy to get wrapped up in happiness. The one I went to this last weekend was absolutely amazing. Everything about it was perfect. It was elegant and both sets of parents went all out - which is always a plus - but that wasn't what made it so beautiful. To me, it was the true happiness and pure love in their eyes. I think I can honestly say that I've never seen two people so much in love. By the end of the night and a very open bar, I think it's safe to say we were all feeling the love.

To say the least, it was a nice break from the relentless stress that is my life right now.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

it's a small world after all...

so i am in the middle of my volunteer shift at the hospital and i hear an RN on the phone talking about her nephew's wedding...she's in the middle of the nurses station, but i wasn't really paying attention until I heard aug 11 and tehachapi. how many weddings could possibly be going on that day, in that (what i can only imagine to be a very small) town? one. haha. so i guess i met chad's aunt. pretty funny - she couldnt believe lauren was my roomate for two yrs. SMALL WORLD. it was a pretty hilarious conversation actually...

AND i'm a klutz: i fell over a chair in the dark and busted my ankle and am now sporting black-and-blue legs. brilliant i know.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Cocaine, Sex, Alcohol, Toothpaste and Proof that Boys are Icky…

Cocaine decreases NT reuptake at the presynaptic terminal, thereby amplifying the stimuli’s effect. (If you’re going to do it you might as well know how it works.) NOTE: You should prolly not do drugs.

Your Sex Drive is controlled by your hypothalamus.

After drinking a lot of alcohol, one may find themselves staggering home. This is b/c alcohol affects the cerebellum (which is the part of the brain that controls balance and coordination).

And I quote “increasing brain pressure can cause the brain to squeeze out through the bottom of the skull like toothpaste”… nice, right?

Proof that boys are icky: they are responsible for passing on hair on the outer ears to their sons. It’s a Y-linked trait (aka: it’s totally the boy’s fault). Ew. (PS If you have either this problem or back hair, a word of advice from girls everywhere...get it taken care of, cause it's kinda, really gross.)

These are the things I learned today…how was you’re day?

Thursday, July 12, 2007

nike ipod thingy :)

so my parents are cleaning out our den/office whatever you want to call it b/c...well...they are tired of all my college apt stuff sitting everywhere and would like to find space to put some of it away. BUT it has made for some fun times!! for example, we've found all kindsa really cute photos...additionally, after looking thru my dad's high school yr book i found out that he was senior class president AND that he was voted beau of "most southern belle and beau" - i know right? i guess ill file this under things you wouldn't have guessed about your parents (except in all honesty he's been leader of all kindsa stuff and is the most generous person i i guess it fits). ALSO my mom found all this school stuff that i never thru away - the coolest of which was this book of poems i wrote for my 7th grade eng class. the topics of each poem were really diverse: love, death, heartbreak, happiness, how i've changed, etc...i had no idea i wrote them, and rereading them made me really happy. :)

in other news...i got a nike-ipod thingy!!!!!! it is SO cool. i LOVE it. basically, it's a device that records info about your far, how long, #cal, etc. and it has cool features like uploading that info to a common site b/t friends, so that if you all want to do a marathon in hawaii and need to train in diff places, you can check on each other's progress and make sure you're all on the same page. i know, may not seem that exciting, but i think it's way cool - dan gets me and that's pretty much why he's awesome...!!

ok, tata for now...bed time! :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

here's to staying in touch with old friends...

so pretty much my life is all studying right now, and the only fun/exciting/hilarious stuff comes with visits/phone calls/im's with all my favorite ucla-ers! you keep me laughing from, sf, sc, ny and georgia (the country!) :) love you aaaaaaall!

Friday, July 6, 2007

things you should know...

Fixed the internet today, so here’s the post from yesterday:
so i finally saw music and lyrics (reeeeeeeeally cute if you like music). cute one-liners and words of wisdom as those go for chick flicks.

jay stole and then found my remote.

went to the batting cages and the beach.

pondered life - and was feeling like i had two lives to choose from: the one where i go to school for another 7 yrs of my life and one where i do a teacher for america, get a masters and become a cool teacher... :) and thus have the time to be with my family, go on vacation - have shots of me and nick lachey having sex in mexico - oh wait that was vanesa whatever her name is and NOBODY should have to see those... but u get the idea. i think i'd have more fun in my personal life. ORRRR i could try the life where i am in school for 7 more years, then try to get a job and work for a very long time, everyday, don't get that many vacations and am always on call (cause babies come out at all times of the nite, and i'd never want to be the type of doc that tells her patient to cross her legs and have it in the morning - like many lazy docs do...) but you can see how this would make having a fun personal life different - doable, but diff. thoughts? comments?

additionally, here are some things that you should know:

I twirl my hair when I am distracted or thinking about something

I only say “peachy” when I’m pissed or reeeally sarcastic

I think raisins are too sweet, but I love raisinettes (sp?)

I love music; it captures memories, feelings and emotions effortlessly…

I have about a billion boys named Dan in my life, and amazingly I love them all.

I’m all about the little things

And I’m a hopeless romantic…