Friday, July 6, 2007

things you should know...

Fixed the internet today, so here’s the post from yesterday:
so i finally saw music and lyrics (reeeeeeeeally cute if you like music). cute one-liners and words of wisdom as those go for chick flicks.

jay stole and then found my remote.

went to the batting cages and the beach.

pondered life - and was feeling like i had two lives to choose from: the one where i go to school for another 7 yrs of my life and one where i do a teacher for america, get a masters and become a cool teacher... :) and thus have the time to be with my family, go on vacation - have shots of me and nick lachey having sex in mexico - oh wait that was vanesa whatever her name is and NOBODY should have to see those... but u get the idea. i think i'd have more fun in my personal life. ORRRR i could try the life where i am in school for 7 more years, then try to get a job and work for a very long time, everyday, don't get that many vacations and am always on call (cause babies come out at all times of the nite, and i'd never want to be the type of doc that tells her patient to cross her legs and have it in the morning - like many lazy docs do...) but you can see how this would make having a fun personal life different - doable, but diff. thoughts? comments?

additionally, here are some things that you should know:

I twirl my hair when I am distracted or thinking about something

I only say “peachy” when I’m pissed or reeeally sarcastic

I think raisins are too sweet, but I love raisinettes (sp?)

I love music; it captures memories, feelings and emotions effortlessly…

I have about a billion boys named Dan in my life, and amazingly I love them all.

I’m all about the little things

And I’m a hopeless romantic…

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