Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Cocaine, Sex, Alcohol, Toothpaste and Proof that Boys are Icky…

Cocaine decreases NT reuptake at the presynaptic terminal, thereby amplifying the stimuli’s effect. (If you’re going to do it you might as well know how it works.) NOTE: You should prolly not do drugs.

Your Sex Drive is controlled by your hypothalamus.

After drinking a lot of alcohol, one may find themselves staggering home. This is b/c alcohol affects the cerebellum (which is the part of the brain that controls balance and coordination).

And I quote “increasing brain pressure can cause the brain to squeeze out through the bottom of the skull like toothpaste”… nice, right?

Proof that boys are icky: they are responsible for passing on hair on the outer ears to their sons. It’s a Y-linked trait (aka: it’s totally the boy’s fault). Ew. (PS If you have either this problem or back hair, a word of advice from girls everywhere...get it taken care of, cause it's kinda, really gross.)

These are the things I learned today…how was you’re day?

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