Tuesday, July 24, 2007

it's a small world after all...

so i am in the middle of my volunteer shift at the hospital and i hear an RN on the phone talking about her nephew's wedding...she's in the middle of the nurses station, but i wasn't really paying attention until I heard aug 11 and tehachapi. how many weddings could possibly be going on that day, in that (what i can only imagine to be a very small) town? one. haha. so i guess i met chad's aunt. pretty funny - she couldnt believe lauren was my roomate for two yrs. SMALL WORLD. it was a pretty hilarious conversation actually...

AND i'm a klutz: i fell over a chair in the dark and busted my ankle and am now sporting black-and-blue legs. brilliant i know.

1 comment:

Lauren O-T said...

hahahaha I told you so! Glad you met Edrie. She is the "cool aunt" of their family. Looking forward to seeing you in (gasp) a few weeks!